Audio Analysis Zero Crossing

Zero crossing rate calculation. This rate corresponds to the number of times that the sound value (waveform) passes through the zero.

Typically, the more the sound is harmonically complex, the more the zero crossing rate value is high.

You can use it to make differences between vowels or consonants sounds, or the difference between snare, bass or cymbals on drums.

In the example below, we can see on the panel-oscilloscope-data module the result of the zero crossing rate analysis on a simple drum loop.

  • 1: Kick
  • 2: Snare
  • 3: cymbal



Audio input flow(s).


Detection threshold. The calculation is done only if the input sound intensity is greater than the threshold value.

average time

Average time. The calculation is done during a time interval.

Use small values for quick variations or high for slow variations.

zero rate

Zero crossing rate output in Hz.

max value

Calculated zero crossing rate maximum value.

As in the example above, it's often more interesting to get the relative variations rather than the absolute. You can use the division math module to achieve this.


Silence indicator. Sends a 1 value when the audio input intensity is under the detection threshold and a 0 when above.

reset max

Resets to 0 the calculated Max Zero Crossing value.

See also

version 6.0.240115

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